OVD - Ovocinárske družstvo

About fruit picking

Request for seasonal work

Permanent employment


About Dvory nad Žitavou

Accommodation directly in the orchard

Our Company offers the option to use our lodging house. It has two rooms for 6 people with social facilities, a common room (TV etc.) and a kitchen.


Seasonal workers interested in accommodation (or food) need to book it a couple of days in advance due to the limited number of beds.


Price for accommodation in lodging house OVD

SKK 50 /night

Price for lunch snacks

SKK 40 (baguette + drink)

Price for warm lunches

SKK 67 (soup + main course)



Other accommodation for seasonal workers:

Lodging House Na Ihrisku, FK Dvory nad Žitavou

tel. 00421 0905 921 487

Lodging House Družstevná st, Dvoroch nad Žitavou

tel. 00421 0905 408 014

Dormitory SS  Dvory nad Žitavou

tel. 00421 0915 704 860